Photoluminescent (PL) Safety Solutions®
for Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms & Operations
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The Deepwater Horizon Platform Exploded and Sank in April 2010
According to news reports, Oleander Benton, a cook, was sitting at a laundry room table with a friend when the lights went out. Then, there was the blast. Benton scrambled through hallways littered with rubble, following a man in a white T-shirt. She said, "I could not see anything but that man. He just kept on saying 'Come this way, come that way.' It was like he was coaching me to my lifeboat, because I couldn't see," she said. 11 people died on Deepwater Horizon.
This echoed reports from 9/11 when Pentagon survivors reported crawling along the floor in the dark through smoke and fire fighting water toward voices trying to guide them to the exits.
Photoluminescent Safety Markings Were Needed:
DHi’s AfterGlow® Brand PL Safety Solutions can help solve the problem of finding one’s way safely through smoke and darkness to safety.
Helipad and Ladder Markings
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Artists impression
Helicopter MR and TR Markings
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Artists impression

Unretouched photos

Actual night photographs
Life Safety Improvements
With Photoluminescent Materials

Lighting Your Way to Safety®