Company Insight
Sponsored by Dimeq As
No more lost lives at sea
Dimeq AS is a technology company based in the west coast of Norway, where our main purpose is to bring the new era of digital HSE and disrupt the maritime industry with our breakthrough technology.
etas AS is celebrating our 10th year in operation. As a spin off company from the Institute of Marine Research in Bergen, Norway, we have always focused on the marine environment and how we could improve knowledge, safety and sustainability.
The WAAM System
Dimeq has developed a breakthrough technology that gives multiple advantages and possibilities of real-time positioning of personnel in a steel environment, never before achieved.
The advantages of this technology open a new world for digitalizing maritime HSE never possible in the past.
It will create a more safe, secure and reliable working environment for the maritime crew in all types of vessels and ships. It will prevent and/or minimize MOB (man overboard) situations to end in fatalities or severe injuries.
It will assist during all other emergency situations for better understanding, and information on the bridge to manage their officers and to manage the situations more effective, quick and simplified than old methods.
We also provide integration to 3rd party systems and integration towards IoT. Our wristbands can function as key and restricts areas for unauthorized users. It can function as a payment method for cruise ships and other public embarkations.
Users get the increase in safety where they won’t be forgotten if they fall overboard or lost in a fire or unconscious. We are giving the bridge and officers full view during alarms of the personnel onboard, and if there are any issues with them so they can be assisted.
Muster stations can be stressful in large vessels/platforms for the people in charge, but with our screens and system, it's just about getting to your muster station and done. The bridge will see who is on the muster station and who is missing from their muster station, as well with the one that is in a wrong muster, it will get a message and direction to get to their right position.
Fire alarms or blackouts are all controlled and will support the teams and bridge for better performance during alarms. We know for a fact that things at sea can get horrific, and seconds quicker in acting can be the difference between life and death.

WAAM with installation Bracket
It can also be controlled from a mobile app, where you can see your loved ones from your phone and control their payments and other parameters if needed. More towards user experience in cruise ship.
We focus on safety as our priority however, the breakthrough technology allows us to see beyond safety and use it for user experience onboard cruise ships as mentions earlier, with several useful functions in our first versions of the wristband called EyeD-1. Allowing cruise passengers to enjoy shopping, casinos, drinking at the swimming pool with no worries, and so many other life experiences via the IoT and our wristbands.
Further versions like our EyeD-2, this will come with LCD screen and allow 2-way communications. It will assist also to find quickest exits from your current position, and/or during smoke or dark areas where people can find them self-lost with no visibility, the wristband will show the user via arrows the closes direction to exit or muster station.
In our last version EyeD-3, this will be our most advanced and personal wearable for our users. It will be our portable personal health assistant, with heart rate monitoring, temperature, pressure, etc. Our goal as mentioned is to save lives and make our users get back home as they left. With that, we will monitor their health via our wristband, and send any emergency they shall experience, directly to the medics PC, tablet or phone, so he/she can respond rapidly with efficient action and equipment to save the life of passengers and workers.
Not only the wristbands are a state of the art when it comes to sensors and functions, but the size, the design, and performance are far ahead from competitors. Our EyeD-1 can be used for 6 months none stop without having to replace the wristband. This will give the wristband in normal conditions of offshore workers or cruise ships, a life span over a year of usage of that wristband. The weight and size are small, user-friendly and users won’t notice they have them on, as the main purpose is to wear it 24/7 for their safety. Embodied in a silicon wrist, our tech will also allow costs to be close to a pair of safety gloves or goggles, so it will not be something you should worry to lose or break.
The clients can decide the areas and how intensive of monitoring they want to have. The sensors are to be installed directly on the power supply in cabins, corridors, etc. that they choose. It’s a plug & play installation, apart from our server and other components that are the base for the sensors and networking. We will have dedicated personnel for QC the installation, and a support in-situ and remotely for our clients, we are committed to create the most reliable safety system for the maritime industry.
A post report and analysis of the emergencies can be submitted to clients per request. We manage, study and analyze the data created by our wristbands, to improve maritime HSE and report it to our clients so they can take action and improve their operations or installations. Data is the value of tomorrow, and we are the first ones to create this type of data.

Near Area Active Leakage (NAAL) System
Contact Information
Dimeq AS
Iglandsvika 18
6727 Bremanger, Norway
Ronny: + 47 9740 1471
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