Project Updates
Stybarrow Field Decommissioning

Credit: Lukasz Z via Shutterstocks
Location: Australia’s North-West Shelf
Project type: Oilfield decommissioning
Production started: 2007
Depth: 810m-850m
The Stybarrow field is located in the Commonwealth waters of the Exmouth subbasin, Australia, within the production licence WA-32-L that is owned and operated by Woodside Energy.
Laminaria and Corallina Oil and Gas Fields

Credit: Ikpro via Shutterstock
Location: Australia’s North-West Shelf
Project type: Offshore oil and gas extraction
Production started: 1999
Depth: 350m-410m
The Laminaria and Corallina oil fields are located offshore Timor Sea, 550km north-west of Darwin. After a buyout of Shell’s stake, Woodside owns a controlling share of 55.9% in the Laminaria site.
Zama Oil Field Development

Credit: Leonardo Gonzalez via Shutterstock
Location: Mexico
Project type: Offshore development prospect
Production started: December 2025
Depth: 165m
The Zama oil discovery is located in Block 7 of the Sureste Basin off the shore of Mexico, at a water depth of approximately 165m.