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September 2024

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Oil and gas companies are increasing pressure about their role in net zero transitions. In response, many are diversifying assets and investing in renewable energy technologies or low-carbon solutions. Some majors have also signalled intentions to grow their electric vehicle charging infrastructure. We explore strategies for oil and gas companies to shift to low-carbon sectors. We also focus on petrochemicals with a look at crude-to-oil chemicals refineries and the circular economy for plastics, get an outlook for Saudi Arabia’s oil and gas market, and look at the latest developments in LNG liquefaction.


Acting editor | Susanne Hauner

Writers | Smruthi Nadig, Alfie Shaw, Eve Thomas, Damian Lewis, Kit Million Ross, Polly Bindman, Nick Ferris

Graphic Designers | Miriam Garofalo, Anett Arc, Noemi Balint, Will Ingham

Publisher | Susanne Hauner


Sales Manager | Tom McCormick
+44 207 8669440

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