Demand and supply patterns for liquefied natural gas (LNG) have changed significantly due to geopolitical tensions and market uncertainties. We look at factors impacting LNG trade and get an outlook for the coming years. We also find out how the pivot towards LNG is driving demand for offshore regasification units, with recent contract activity indicating a growing popularity of floating storage regasification units as a flexible solution for countries looking to expand their LNG import infrastructure.

In technology, we find out how drones are reducing risk in offshore oil and gas inspection, explore key applications for digital twins in the oil and gas sector – including asset management and scenario forecasting – and hear from Viasat about how satellite-enabled industrial monitoring using IoT and AI can help energy operators build supply chain resilience. 

Elsewhere, we find out whether Norway’s use of oil and gas taxes to fund EV incentives could inspire other countries, take an exclusive look at the emissions cost of Azerbaijan’s oil and gas extraction plans, and dive into the trailblazing EU policy set to decarbonise the global shipping industry.  

Read on for all this, plus an entire supplement dedicated to ESG in the oil and gas sector.