solutions for the upstream oil & gas industry
customized chemical treatment services to reduce or eliminate risks and costs associated with paraffin deposition and gelation
You know you have a waxy, high pour point crude or condensate, but it is difficult to predict how or where it will impact your production.
SUEZ offers a comprehensive wax flow assurance expert service called WaxPerT* to understand the fundamental causes of oil instability and develop superior chemical solutions.
The complete portfolio of WaxPerT* technologies provide:
- Rapid on-site analysis and monitoring of flow assurance risk, using advanced chemistry data analytics.
- Selection of customized chemical mitigation program, designed to achieve optimized pour point depression and wax inhibition performance.
- In-depth flow assurance simulation to enhance waxy oil production and transportation.
WaxPerT* main performance benefits:
- Better monitoring of wax precipitation risks in production systems using advanced data analytics
- Improved performance of paraffin inhibition programs
- Recommendations to optimize pigging and cleanup programs
- Rapid analysis for effective customized solutions and mitigation strategies
- Increased oil production and associated revenue due to reduction of wax related challenges
- Reduced costs related to failures, pigging and workovers
- Reduced overall lifting costs
- Improved HSE performance metrics due to improved internal flowline / pipeline conditions
Are you ready?
*A trademark of SUEZ. May be registered in one or more countries.
Write to us at
Tour CB21
16, place de l’Iris
92040 Paris La Défense Cedex
Tel: +33 (0)1 58 81 20 00
Fax: +33 (0)1 58 81 25 00